Ways to get involved
The Mirada PTO wants all parents and guardians to be informed and engaged in our school community. You can begin by attending our monthly general meetings, which occur on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. We have opportunities big and small and would love to connect you with an area of your passion!
Room Representative Program
Are you interested in volunteering in your students classroom, helping to plan class parties, and supporting your child’s teacher? Get involved in the Mirada Room Rep Program! Email Miradaroomreps@gmail.com for more information.
Event Leads and Support
We have all kinds of events that help support the Mirada community! From our annual Ice Cream Social to Special Person’s Day, there are fun activities that occur throughout the school year. You can jump in as a lead or volunteer on the day of the event. Parent volunteers are what enable every PTO event to be successful. Check your calendar and let us know an event you want to support.
Committee Volunteer
Throughout the school year we have committees that drive fundraisers, community outreach, school development and so much more. Your time on a committee helps grow the programs while supporting the education of your child.